Adam Brotnitsky is a violist from String Theory High School who, in his free time, loves to cook, spend time with his family and friends, and read science fiction and mystery novels. He sits third chair in the Philadelphia Young Artists Orchestra (PYAO) under the direction of Rosalind Erwin. Adam is also an All-City Fellow which is an auditioned program that grants lessons from Philadelphia Orchestra members to students for free. Under this program, Adam studies with Marvin Moon. He is also principal violist in the All City Orchestra.
Adam first picked up the violin at the age of five in his grade school. At first, he didn’t really enjoy the sound of the instrument. At age 10, he began piano lessons at All That Jazz and later took lessons at Philly Sound Studios. It wasn’t until 6th grade, when Adam was handed a viola, that he began to enjoy playing in an orchestra. He tried his best to learn the instrument, especially since the Alto Clef was a whole new concept. For the most part, Adam was a self taught violist, until recently, with the help of the All City Fellowship and the Primavera Fund, who has connected him to weekly lessons with Daniela Pierson.
Since picking up the viola, Adam has attended the Brevard Music Center in North Carolina for two summers, in which students live on campus for six weeks, intensely studying orchestral and chamber music. He has also been a member of the Philadelphia All-City Orchestra for three years. His love of quartet style playing led him to Temple Music Prep, where he participated in two youth quartets and was Associate Principal of the Chamber Players Orchestra there. He has been a member of the Philadelphia Young Artists Orchestra for two years as well as a Philadelphia Music Alliance for Youth (PMAY) Artist.
In Adam’s mind, there are only two things that make us truly human; cooking, and beautiful music. When he can, Adam loves to bring music to his community, including playing in quartets for school events, performing in recreational buildings like the William Penn Charter House and interning with the Philadelphia Young Musicians Orchestra.